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Drag and Drop Usage in Fractal Architect

Dragging and dropping between fractal preview windows, editor thumbnails, Color gradients, and the Mac Finder is supported with the most intuitive drag and drop behavior. The table below shows the specific behavior for each case.

From / To Random Thumbnail Preview Window Editor Thumbnail Color Gradient Mac Finder
Random Thumbnail -- Opens random fractal in new preview window. Opens random fractal in new preview window. Overwrites color gradient with random fractal's colors Creates a new file named "randomFlame_nnn.flame" with nnn being a unique number for that folder.
Preview Window Ignored -- Opens a copy of the fractal in new preview window. Overwrites color gradient with the fractal's colors. Saves a copy of the fractal in the target finder folder.
Editor Thumbnail Ignored Opens a copy of the fractal in new preview window. -- Overwrites color gradient with the fractal's colors. Saves a copy of the fractal in the target finder folder.
Color Gradient Overwrites colors in thumbnail Overwrites colors in preview Overwrites colors in thumbnail Overwrites colors in target color gradient Drops a "picture clipping" copy of the color gradient dragged thumbnail into the Finder folder.
Mac Finder Ignored. Opens a copy of the dropped fractal document in new preview window. Opens a copy of the dropped fractal document in new preview window. Overwrites colors in target color gradient with the fractal document's colors. Standard Finder drag & drop behavior.

Dragging and Dropping to Other Applications

From a Preview window and thumbnail grids, an image is dragged too and can be dropped on other apps.

From a rendered image window, dragging can be done if the Option key is pressed when starting the drag. This will drag an image to another app too.

Note: Some apps are confused by the flame definition being dragged inside the drag bundle and may not respond to the dragged image.