Choose an animation segment to work on. (Not available in Sequencer).
You can have multiple custom animation segments in the same fractal file.
+ Button
Add a new animation segment. (Not available in Sequencer)
- Button
Remove this animation segment. (Not available in Sequencer)
Copy this animation segment to the clipboard.
Paste over this animation segment from the clipboard.
Undo the last change change.
Redo the last undone change.
Save this animation segment to a file.
Load an animation segment from a file.
Previews and From/To Editors
Video Preview
This windows allows you to see a video preview of the animation.
▶︎ Play Button
Pressing this button will start the preview rendering. It will render Video Frame Count frames.
You can drag the slider with the mouse to see different rendered portions of the animation.
Video Frame Count
This slider sets the total number of video frames that playing the video will show.
Run Window
Run Window
This window allows you to create a quick interpolation preview of the animation.
You can also make a High quality video using the Make Video or Make Frames buttons.
See: Quick-Spin for more information on how to use this window.
From / To Editors
The Configurator has a From/To Editors button that shows all keyframes and the From / To endpoint thumbnails.
You can edit the From / To Endpoints with Triangle/Color Gradient editor to setup the animation segment endpoints.
The Animation Configurator has 4 fractal thumbnails that you can modify.
Keyframe 1
From Endpoint
To Endpoint
Keyframe 2 (Only available for Cross-Breeder Custom Animations)
Animation Configurator Thumbnails
To define an animation segment, you would open 2 Triangle editor windows, one for the the From Endpoint and one for the To Endpoint.
When you CLOSE both editors, the differences between the two fractals will be used by the Animation configurator to create the equivalent Animation segment.
Grid View
There is a simplified Grid View that lets you see the Animation segment’s property animations.
Custom Animation Grid View
Property Selector
This is an outline view of all the categories in a fractal and the animateable properties they contain.
You click on a + button to add new properties to the animation segment.
You click on a - button to remove a property from the animation segment.
Property Categories in the Property Selector
The many properties are broken down into the hierarchy of categories shown here:
Two KeyFrames
KeyFrames Setup
Parameters & Final Xform
Final Transform
Group #1 …
Variation Parameters
Group #1 …
Color Gradient
Normal Transforms
Transform #1 …
Group #1 …
Variation Parameters
Group #1 …
The individual properties found in each catgory:
Keyframes Setup
Setup Morph Key-frames
Fractal > Flame
Blue Color Curve
Green Color Curve
Red Color Curve
RGB Color Curve
Highlight Power
Looping Using Rotates Set
Xaos Weights
Fractal > Parameters & Final Xform > Parameters
Background Color
Fractal Origin - 2D spline path
Fractal Origin - X Coordinate
Fractal Origin - Y Coordinate
Gamma Threshold
Has Final Transform
Viewport rotation
Viewport rotation about point
Viewport scale
Viewport scale about point
Viewport zoom
Fractal > Parameters & Final Xform > Camera
Camera Clip Points Behind
Camera Depth-of-Field
Camera Field-of-View
Camera Fly-Thru - 3D spline path
Camera Location X-Y-Z - 3D spline path
Camera LookAt+Location - 3D spline paths
Camera Orientation Yaw/Pitch/Roll
Camera Ortho-to-Perspective Ramp
Camera Ortho/Perspective Checkbox
Camera Pitch
Camera X Position
Camera Y Position
Camera Yaw
Camera Z Offset
Camera Z Position
Fractal > Transforms > Xform #1 > Parameters
Direct Color Weight
Solo Flag
Transform’s Color Index
Transform’s Color Speed
Transform’s Color Symmetry
Transform’s Opacity
Transform’s Weight
Fractal > Transforms > Xform # > Pre-Matrix
Pre Matrix - all Coefficients
Pre Matrix - Rotate Scale Translate
Fractal > Transforms > Xform # > Post-Matrix
Post Matrix - all Coefficients
Post Matrix - Rotate Scale Translate
Fractal > Transforms > Xform # > Variations > Group
All the variation parameters in the current variation set.
Fractal > Parameters & Final Xform > Color Gradient
Color Brightness
Color Contrast
Color Gradient Blend
Color Hue
Color Saturation
Decrease Color Frequency
Increase Color Frequency
Rotate Colors
Property From/To Range Editor
This is the Range editor for the numeric property datatype.
Animate From Value
The from value.
Animate To Value
The to value.
What Value To Change
Selects the property to edit.
How Value Affected
= - Value is assigned to the property. (Overwrites property’s prior value.)
+ - Value is added to the current property value.
* - Value is multiplied to the current property value.
This property will be used in the animation. (You can disable this)
If checked, the final To calculated value is not used. This avoids repeated video frames.
How Property Values Are Calculated
The Input Animation Slider values vary between 0 and 1, with 0 being the far left and 1 the far right end of the slider.
The input value is modified by the Animation Curve, by finding the position of the input value on the X axis, and calculating for that X value what the Y value should be, based on the animation curve type. That calculated Y value is now the output of the Animation curve transfomation and becomes the effective animation amount (still in the range of 0 to 1).
Next, if chosen to be applied by the user, a smoothing interpolation is applied to the effective animation amount to “smooth” the effective animation amount. If not chosen, no change is made to the effective animation amount.
effAmount1 = animationCurve(inputAmount)
effAmount2 = smoothing(effAmount1)
Finally, depending on the Animation Affect selected, one of these equations is selected:
Affect = (Assigned)
output value = from + effAmount2 X (to - from)
Affect + (Added to Original Value)
output value = originalValue + effAmount2 X (to - from)
Affect X (Multiplied to Original Value)
output value = originalValue X effAmount2 X (to - from)
To create an animation the app will start the input animation amount at 0 and increasing it by steps up to 1. A video frame image is rendered for each incremental step.
Morph animations cross-breed the from fractal with the to fractal. So the morph animation properties are similar to those found on the Cross-Breeder window.
Adding/Changing a Keyframe
Copy a keyframe from elsewhere in the app, and paste it onto either the from or tokeyframes.
OR drag a keyframe from elsewhere in the app and drop it onto either the from or tokeyframes.
X/Y & Polar Matrix Interpolation
Interpolate the Pre and Post transformation matrices using either linear or polar interpolation.
RGB & HSB Color Gradient Interpolation
Interpolate the Color Gradients with either RGB or HSB interpolation.
Remove the selected keyframe.
Triangle Editor
Open the Triangle Editor for the fractal.
Open the Variants Editor
Open the Variants editor to play with different random combinations.
Edit Shuffle
Open the Morph Permutation editor.
Re-order the rows in the editor to switch to a new permutation.
Edit Shuffle
Randomize the Morph Permutation.
Keyframe Thumbnails Context Menu
View Fractal Info
Opens the Fractal Info window for this keyframe.
View Fractal’s Source Text
Open the XML source text for this keyframe.
Make Fractal Variants
Opens the Variants Editor for this keyframe.
Copies this keyframe to the clipboard.
Pastes over this keyframe with the keyframe on the clipboard.
Numeric properties’ from/to values can be assigned in 4 ways, depending on the Popup Menu setting next to the From and To value text edit fields:
Non-Random assignment
Uniformly Random Floating Point Values
Uniformly Random Integer Values
Gaussian Random Floating Point Values
Non-Random Assignment
Modify the From and To values’ text edit fields to set the From and To values.
Uniformly Random Floating Point Values
This configurator setting helps you select a random number to use for the from and to values.
Fill in the Min and Max text fields with numbers defining the random number range. Next, click the Roll Dice button to select a new uniform random number.
Uniformly Random Integer Values
This configurator setting helps you select a random number to use for the from and to values.
Fill in the Min and Max text fields with numbers defining the random number range. Next, click the Roll Dice button to select a new uniform random number.
Gaussian Random Floating Point Values
This configurator setting helps you select a random number to use for the from and to values. It uses a Gaussian Bell-Shaped probability distribution.
Fill in the Mean and Sigma text fields with numbers defining the random number range. Next, click the Roll Dice button to select a new gaussian random number. The average random number will be the mean. And the random number range will be roughly in the range:
mean± 2 ×sigma
2D Point Property Value Animation Config
You set the from and to points’ X and Y values using the text fields.
Next, you can select either a 2D Catmull curve or 2D Bspline curve which specifies the path the point will follow in the animation. The Path Editor will open the curve editor.
You set the from and to points’ X, Y and Z values using the text fields.
Next, you can select either a 3D Catmull curve or 3D Bspline curve which specifies the path the point will follow in the animation. The Path Editor will open the curve editor.
The matrix floating point values for both the from and to transformation matrices are specified.
You can choose to affect either the Pre or the Post matrices.
You can choose to interpolate the matrices using either linear or polar form interpolation.
Transformation Matrix Operations Animation Config
You specify a combination of rotation, scaling, and translation operations to applied to either the pre or post transformation matrices. These are similar to the operations you can apply to the transformations in the Triangle editor.
Operation Order
Choose the order in which the 3 matrix operations are applied.
The rotation (in degrees) to apply.
Rotate Origin
Choose to rotate about either the triangle or world origins.
The scale factor to apply.
Scale Origin
Choose to scale about either the triangle or world origins.
Translate horizontally by this amount.
Translate vertically by this amount.
Randomize Button
Randomize these settings.
Reset Button
Reset these settings to their default values.
You can choose to affect either the Pre or the Post matrices.
Color Gradient Animation Config
Use the Color Gradient editor to find other color gradients that look good with your fractal.
You can set the from and to color gradients by dragging a color gradient from the app’s Color Gradient editor and dropping it onto the gradient images.
RGB & HSB Color Gradient Interpolation
Interpolate the Color Gradients with either RGB or HSB interpolation.
Palette Mode
Select either a Step, Linear, or Smooth palette modes for the gradient.
If the color stop count and color stop locations of the From and To gradients are NOT the same, the output colors of the From endpoint thumbnail will not match the Keyframe 1 thumbnail’s colors. Similarly the output colors of the To endpoint thumbnail will not match the Keyframe 2 thumbnail’s colors.
There is nothing wrong with mismatching color stops, it just makes it hard to predict the colors at the beginning and end.
Background Color Animation Config
You set the from and to background colors. Click on the color wells to open the color picker.
RGB & HSB Color Interpolation
Interpolate the Color with either RGB or HSB interpolation.
Color Curve Animation Config
You set the from and to color curves.
Click on the appropriate Edit button to open the color curve editor.
Boolean Animation Config
You set the from and to boolean values.
Xaos Animation Config
You set the from and to Xaos matrix values.
Click on the appropriate View Xaos Matrix button to open the Xaos Weights editor.
Rotate/Scale About Point Animation Config
This configuration type applies to Rotation and Scaling the Viewport about a specific point.
It is the same as a Numeric value configuration except that you must specify the X and Y values for the viewport’s specific point .
Pitch/Yaw/Roll Animation Config
You set the 3 from and to 3D orientation angles:
The animation engine will apply spherical interpolation to the 3 orientation angles.
You can copy the start/end 3D orientation angles from a 3D curve editor (see below) and paste it here.
Camera Location + LookAt Animation Config
You set the 3 from and to camera location:
Location X
Location Y
Location Z
You set the 3 from and to camera LookAt point:
LookAt X
LookAt Y
LookAt Z
The animation engine will calculate the camera orientation using the vector from the camera location to the lookAt point.
There are two 3D spline curves - one for the camera location and one for the lookout point.
Commonly the lookAt point will remain fixed throughout the animation. Also another common pattern is for the camera location to be fixed and the lookAt point will move.
Animation Curve Editors
The 2D and 3D animation paths are defined using the appropriate curve editors.
2D B-Spline Curves
Closed B-Spline CurveOpen B-Spline Curve
This editor creates 2D NURB or B-Spline curves. They can be either open or closed curves.
The placement of the curve’s control points determine the curve’s shape. Only the first and last control points are interpolated by the curve, the others just adjust the curve shape.
The plotted yellow squares are the control points, and the round green circles are the curve’s knot locations.
The green dashed lines represent the bounds of the fractal image and help you see where the control points are in relation to the fractal’s boundaries.
If the mouse is clicked close to an existing control point, it will be selected so you can drag it with the mouse to shape the curve. Otherwise, clicking elsewhere will add a new control point.
Copy the curve to the clipboard.
Paste the curve from the clipboard over this curve.
Zoom slider
Zoom in/out the plotted curve.
If when zooming in and the curve moves out of view, use the graph’s horizontal and vertical scroll bars to move it back into view.
Reset the plotted curve to the default zoom.
Choose one of: uniform, centripedal, or chordal,
Affects the curve’s “tightness”.
Hide/Show Knots
Hide/show the curve’s knots.
Hide/Show CP
Hide/show the curve’s control points.
Control Point Selector
Lets you edit the Control Point’s X-Y location and its weight.
Remove CP
Remove the selected control point.
Reset CPs
Reset the control points to a default linear curve.
Control Points
Opens a popover showing the Control Points’ locations (readonly).
Opens a popover showing the Control Points’ knots (readonly).
Opens a popover showing the Control Points’ weights (editable).
Open/Close Loop
Change curve from closed to open form or vice versa.
< CP
Change position of control point in the control point list. Moves the control point down in the list.
> CP
Change position of control point in the control point list. Moves the control point up in the list.
Control Points PopOverKnots PopOver
2D Catmull Rom Curves
This editor creates 2D Catmull Rom curves. They can be either open or closed curves.
The placement of the curve’s control points determine the curve’s shape. All but the first and last points are interpolated by the curve.
The plotted yellow squares are the control points. The first and last control points are shown as green squares (they are not shown for closed catmull curves).
The green dashed lines represent the bounds of the fractal image and help you see where the control points are in relation to the fractal’s boundaries.
If the mouse is clicked close to an existing control point, it will be selected so you can drag it with the mouse to shape the curve. Otherwise, clicking elsewhere will add a new control point.
Copy the curve to the clipboard.
Paste the curve from the clipboard over this curve.
Zoom slider
Zoom in/out the plotted curve.
If when zooming in and the curve moves out of view, use the graph’s horizontal and vertical scroll bars to move it back into view.
Reset the plotted curve to the default zoom.
Choose one of: uniform, centripedal, or chordal,
Affects the curve’s “tightness”.
Hide/Show CP
Hide/show the curve’s control points.
Control Point Selector
Lets you edit the Control Point’s X-Y location.
Remove CP
Remove the selected control point.
Reset CPs
Reset the control points to a default linear curve.
Control Points
Opens a popover showing the Control Points’ locations (readonly).
Open/Close Loop
Change curve from closed to open form or vice versa.
< CP
Change position of control point in the control point list. Moves the control point down in the list.
> CP
Change position of control point in the control point list. Moves the control point up in the list.
3D B-Spline Curves
This editor creates 3D NURB or B-Spline curves. They can be either open or closed curves.
The placement of the curve’s control points determine the curve’s shape. Only the first and last control points are interpolated by the curve, the others just adjust the curve shape.
The plotted yellow squares are the control points, and the round green circles are the curve’s knot locations.
If the mouse is clicked close to an existing control point, it will be selected so you can drag it with the mouse to shape the curve. Otherwise, clicking elsewhere will add a new control point.
Adjust’s the viewport’s pitch.
(For viewing the 3D curve, changing this value makes it easier to see. Does not affect the actual 3D curve’s definition)
Adjust’s the viewport’s yaw.
(For viewing the 3D curve, changing this value makes it easier to see. Does not affect the actual 3D curve’s definition)
Adjust’s the viewport’s roll.
(For viewing the 3D curve, changing this value makes it easier to see. Does not affect the actual 3D curve’s definition)
Copy the curve to the clipboard.
Paste the curve from the clipboard over this curve.
Zoom slider
Zoom in/out the plotted curve.
If when zooming in and the curve moves out of view, use the graph’s horizontal and vertical scroll bars to move it back into view.
Reset the plotted curve to the default zoom.
Choose one of: uniform, centripedal, or chordal,
Affects the curve’s “tightness”.
Hide/Show Knots
Hide/show the curve’s knots.
Hide/Show CP
Hide/show the curve’s control points.
Control Point Selector
Lets you edit the Control Point’s X-Y location and its weight.
Remove CP
Remove the selected control point.
Reset CPs
Reset the control points to a default linear curve.
Control Points
Opens a popover showing the Control Points’ locations (readonly).
Opens a popover showing the Control Points’ knots (readonly).
Opens a popover showing the Control Points’ weights (editable).
Open/Close Loop
Change curve from closed to open form or vice versa.
< CP
Change position of control point in the control point list. Moves the control point down in the list.
> CP
Change position of control point in the control point list. Moves the control point up in the list.
Copy Start Orientation
Copy the starting pitch/yaw/roll orientation to the clipboard.
(So you can paste it onto a Pitch/Yaw/Roll Orientation animation.)
Copy End Orientation
Copy the starting pitch/yaw/roll orientation to the clipboard.
(So you can paste it onto a Pitch/Yaw/Roll Orientation animation.)
Open Video Preview
Open’s the Video Preview so you can see what the affect of the 3D path is on the animation.
Design Note
In the Animation Sequencer, you may want to compose a sequence of 3 animation segments like this:
Change 3D camera’s orientation
Change the 3D camera’s fly-through path
Change 3D camera’s orientation again
To get the first and last step’s camera orientations, use the Copy Start Orientation and Copy End Orientation buttons to put the correct orientation onto the clipboard. Then, paste the orientation onto the Camera Pitch/Yaw/Roll Orientation configuration (with the Paste Orientation button shown there).
3D Catmull Rom Curves
This editor creates 3D Catmull Rom curves. They can be either open or closed curves.
The placement of the curve’s control points determine the curve’s shape. All but the first and last points are interpolated by the curve.
The plotted yellow squares are the control points. The first and last control points are shown as green squares (they are not shown for closed catmull curves).
If the mouse is clicked close to an existing control point, it will be selected so you can drag it with the mouse to shape the curve. Otherwise, clicking elsewhere will add a new control point.
Adjust’s the viewport’s pitch.
(For viewing the 3D curve, changing this value makes it easier to see. Does not affect the actual 3D curve’s definition)
Adjust’s the viewport’s yaw.
(For viewing the 3D curve, changing this value makes it easier to see. Does not affect the actual 3D curve’s definition)
Adjust’s the viewport’s roll.
(For viewing the 3D curve, changing this value makes it easier to see. Does not affect the actual 3D curve’s definition)
Copy the curve to the clipboard.
Paste the curve from the clipboard over this curve.
Zoom slider
Zoom in/out the plotted curve.
If when zooming in and the curve moves out of view, use the graph’s horizontal and vertical scroll bars to move it back into view.
Reset the plotted curve to the default zoom.
Choose one of: uniform, centripedal, or chordal,
Affects the curve’s “tightness”.
Hide/Show CP
Hide/show the curve’s control points.
Control Point Selector
Lets you edit the Control Point’s X-Y location.
Remove CP
Remove the selected control point.
Reset CPs
Reset the control points to a default linear curve.
Control Points
Opens a popover showing the Control Points’ locations (readonly).
Open/Close Loop
Change curve from closed to open form or vice versa.
< CP
Change position of control point in the control point list. Moves the control point down in the list.
> CP
Change position of control point in the control point list. Moves the control point up in the list.
Copy Start Orientation
Copy the starting pitch/yaw/roll orientation to the clipboard.
(So you can paste it onto a Pitch/Yaw/Roll Orientation animation.)
Copy End Orientation
Copy the starting pitch/yaw/roll orientation to the clipboard.
(So you can paste it onto a Pitch/Yaw/Roll Orientation animation.)
Open Video Preview
Open’s the Video Preview so you can see what the affect of the 3D path is on the animation.