Fractal Architect icon

How do i use the combined (translate/scale/rotate) mode?

Fractal Architect icon  This edit mode uses key modifiers with a left mouse button drag operation to determine whether to translate, scale, or rotate the fractal.

Translate: Drag the fractal by holding down the left mouse button while moving the cursor. With a trackpad, press and drag a finger on the surface to move the fractal.

Zoom:  Press the Shift key while dragging the left mouse button to zoom the fracal in/out.
Alternatively, rolling the middle mouse wheel also zooms the fractal view in or out. With a trackpad, use the pinch gesture to zoom in/out.

Rotate: Press the Command key while dragging the left mouse button to rotate the fractal. With a trackpad, use the rotate gesture to rotate the fractal.

How do i move the anchor point in rotate, zoom and combined edit modes?

The anchor point determines the point in the fractal that is the center of zoom or rotation. Left mouse click on and drag the red anchor point to another spot. Use the Center button to re-center the anchor point in the window.

See Also

Edit View Camera Settings