Fractal Architect icon

Save Animation Frames Dialog

Applies to:
Fractal Architect
Serendipity - Keyframes Option

See also: Quick-Spin Animation     Cross Breeder Animation

This dialog allows you to save a sequence of Animation frames to a Flame file.
You are saving the Frame fractal definitions - the frames are not rendered by this step.

Saving frames is an alternate workflow where you target a Flame file to hold all of the frame definitions for a video.
That file is assembled with perhaps many animation segments and rendered at some later time.

Creating a Movie from a Flame file with lots of frames

Once the Flame file's frames have been assembled, use:
    File -> Render PNG Image Batch, then File -> Convert PNG Batch to Movie.
This renders the frames into separate PNG image files, then converts that batch of files into a QuickTime movie.

Save Frames

Save Interpolated Frames
Append to Open Document
Select an already opened Flame file from the list above. The interpolated frames will be added to that file.
Save to New File
Opens a new Preview window representing a Flame document that has all of the interpolated frames in it. You can click on the Frames button on the Preview window to see the first 25 frame thumbnails.
Append to Existing File
Opens a File Save dialog to allow you to select the Flame file. The interpolated frames will be added to that file.