Fractal Architect 4 Help Index

Whats New in Fractal Architect 4

Applies to:FA 4

New Non-Animation Features

Free Base App With Limitations

GPU Trial Rendering

Super Variants Editor

Variant Editor Improvements

Rendering Engine Enhancements

Coloring Related Improvements

Variation Group Chain Architecture

True 3D Camera

Lua Scripting

Custom Variations

New Image File Output Format

Other Improvements

FA 4 - a Flame Fractal Animation Product Is Born

Animation Clip Creation Possibilities Everywhere

Build Keyframe Collections Quickly

Cross-Breeder Animation Clips

# of transforms in fractal # of cross-breed combinations
2 2
3 6
4 24
5 120
6 720
7 5,040
8 40,320
9 362, 880

Cross-Breeder Custom Animations

The ultimate in control allowing you to do a basic cross-breed animation along with animating many other properties at the same time.

Triangle Editor Custom Animations

The ultimate in control allowing you to animate many parameters at the same time.

Simple Keyframe Animations

Video Rendering Enhancements

What Is a Animation Segment?

What Parameters are Animatable - Ultra Flexible

You can pick several out of hundreds of possible parameters and animate each property simultaneously with unique animation properties. There is no limit to the number of parameters that can be animated in parallel !

Animation Segment Configurator

Audio Integration

Built-in Movie Utilities

Extended Image Sequence File Type Support

Fractal Animation Sequencer

Video Clips versus Long Complex Animations

Long Complex Animations - Sequencer

Take Total Control of Your Animations

Layered Animations

Animatable Parameters

Transform Parameters

Each transform’s parameters in the fractal can be animated independently (and in parallel).

Parameter Transform Param
All Variations’ Weights Yes
All Variations’ Parameter Values Yes
Color Index Yes
Symmetry Yes
Color Speed Yes
Weight Yes
Opacity Yes
Direct Color Yes
Rotates Yes
Solo Yes
Change Pre/Post-Matrix Coefficients Yes
Pre-Rot/Scale/Transform - order of operations can be set Yes
Pre/Post Rotation Yes
Pre/Post Scale Yes
Pre/Post Translate Yes
Pre/Post Rotation About Point Yes
Pre/Post Scale About Point Yes
Pre/Post Translate Pixel Units Yes

Non-Transform Parameters

Parameter Transform Param
Looping of Transforms whose Rotates is Set
Xaos Weights
Gamma Threshold
Viewport Center 2D Path
Viewport Center X
Viewport Center Y
Viewport Scale
Viewport Zoom
Viewport Rotation about Arbitrary Point (pixel units)
Viewport Scale about Arbitrary Point (pixel units)
Camera Location + LookAt Point
Camera Location
Camera Orientation (Yaw, Pitch., Roll)
Camera Field-Of-View
Camera Fly-Through Location 3D Path
Camera Yaw
Camera Pitch
Camera Roll
Camera Perspective
Camera DOF
Camera Z-Pos
Has Final Transform
Highlight Power

Color Parameters

Parameter Transform Param
Change Color Gradient
Rotate Color Gradient
Decrease Color Frequency
Increase Color Frequency