Fractal Architect 3 Help Index

How Do I Modify Persistent Fractal Architect Preferences?

Use the Fractal Architect menu -> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog. It has 3 panes that you can select. The panes are for Preview, File Output, and Printing options.

How do I set Preview window options?

Preview window preferences
Preview window preferences

Use the Fractal Architect menu -> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog. Select the Preview pane.

How do I set various Editor options?

Preferences for Editor
Preferences for Editor

Use the Fractal Architect menu -> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog. Select the Editor pane.

How do I set output file image size and quality?

File output Preferences
File output Preferences

Use the Fractal Architect menu -> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog. Select the File Output pane and specify your preferred image width and height and its minimum rendering quality. You can also select the Transparent image option too. Preferences are used to set the default rendering settings.

The default settings can be overwritten in the render to file dialog box.

How do I set Printing quality?

Printing Preferences
Printing Preferences

Use the Fractal Architect menu -> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog. Select the Printing pane and specify your preferred print image minimum rendering quality. Note that transparency is not supported for printing.

How do I set various Preview and thumbnail rendering options?

Render options Preferences
Render options Preferences

Use the Fractal Architect menu -> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog. Select the Render Options pane.

How do I set Flam3 rendering parameter preferences?

Flam3 Preferences
Flam3 Preferences

Use the Fractal Architect menu -> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog. Select the Flam3 pane.

See Flam3 rendering parameters for more information on the many render parameters

How do I set my contact information preferences?

Designer information Preferences
Designer information Preferences

Use the Fractal Architect menu -> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog. Select the Designer pane.

How do I set various Random flame generation options?

Random flame Preferences
Random flame Preferences

Use the Fractal Architect menu -> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog. Select the Random Flame pane.

How do I change the set of variations used to generate random fractals?

Click the checkboxes in the Random Variations Pool list to add or remove variations.

How do I choose a different blend from Predefined Variation Blends?

The set of predefined variation blends tend to produce better than average random fractals. Move the Blend slider to a different blend number. Click the Select button. This will pick the variations specified for that particular blend.

How do I choose a pick a random blend of variations?

Set the Random Variation Pool Size. Click Roll Dice to select the random variations. Click Default to restore the default variations set in the pool.

How do I change the default aspect ratio of the random fractals?

Change the Aspect Ratio preference values using the Aspect Ratio button’s popup menu.

How do I change the background color of the random fractals?

Click on the Background Color color well to change the background color.

When do Preferences changes affect open preview windows?

Only changes in minimum quality affect currently open preview windows. When the preferences window is closed, all open preview and editor thumbnail image fractals will be rerendered. All the other changes will apply to the next document that is opened.