Category Archives: News

Finder Quicklook Plugin for .flame and .flam3 files removed from app

Where to get the Quicklook plugin now?

The Quicklook plugin now is available as a free download from here.

Why was it removed?

The Finder Quicklook plugin  for .flame and .flam3 files (included with Fractal Architect 2 in earlier versions) renders all of the Finder fractal thumbnails and renders the Quicklook previews for fractals on demand from the Finder.

Continue reading Finder Quicklook Plugin for .flame and .flam3 files removed from app

Bug Fix release 2.3.1 – free update on Mac App Store

Two serious bugs and a number of minor improvements/fixes for the new functionality in the Folio release. This release fixes the blank Preview window bug on Mountain Lion for Macs with Nvidia GPUs.

Changes for Version 2.3.1 (Folio)

Improvements =========

  1. Copy/Paste of multiple keyframes now supported with both Stash and Keyframes window
  2. QuickLook Folio Preview now is same aspect ratio as the first keyframe
  3. QuickLook Preview Image is now rendered when the file is saved or autosaved.

BugFixes ========

  1. Fixes the blank Preview window bug that only happened on Mountain Lion & Macs with Nvidia GPUs.
  2. Fixed crash when generating Random fractals with Make Random window in Lion Full screen mode
  3. Margins for Folio set on the Batch rendering dialog now work right
  4. Fixed creation of Quicklook previews (for Folio & Movie)
  5. CUDA renderer fixes: Batch rendering now can make Folio and/or movie;  Render Direct to Video created video now has correct colors

Performance on MacBook Pro 2012

Update (10/16/2012)

Version 2.3.2 on either Lion 10.7.5 or Mountain Lion 10.8.2 now supports OpenCL rendering using the Nvidia GT 650M GPU. This runs 5.5X faster than rendering with the CPU. (measured on Retina Macbook Pro on Mountain Lion 10.8.2)

Using CUDA rendering, on a non-sandboxed app (on Mac Lion), the GPU rendering performance is the best yet seen on Macs.

The CUDA render runs 7.2X faster than the OpenCL render on the Intel CPU on a Macbook Pro 2012.

OpenCL rendering on Intel CPU is 38% faster compared to last years 2011 Macbook Pro. CUDA rendering on Nvidia GT 650M is 2.78X faster than OpenCL rendering on ATI 6750M with last year’s 2011 Macbook Pro.

OpenCL rendering on Intel CPU (Macbook Pro 2012) is 2.6x slower than OpenCL rendering on ATI 6750M (Macbook Pro 2011).

On Mac Lion, you have to have a non-sandboxed app to run CUDA. Apps on the Mac App store have to be sandboxed and can’t run CUDA.

Release Notes Version 2.3 (Folio)

Changes for Version 2.3 (Folio)

This release is all about Fractal keyframe collections.

The app has always supported multiple keyframes, but never before with PDF Folios, Loop/Morph Video Animation, or instant Finder Quicklook Preview support. It has been performance optimized for files with thousands of keyframes too.

Big New Features =========

  1. Create lengthy Video Animations from Fractal keyframes.
  2. Create PDF Folios from keyframes
  3. Major improvements for working with fractal keyframe collections instead of just single fractals
  4. Greatly Improved Finder Quicklook support for pre-rendered images, PDF Folios, and Movies

Continue reading Release Notes Version 2.3 (Folio)

Quick Tour of Version 2.3 (Folio) New Features

This release was released by Apple to Mac App Store on July 5, 2012.

This release is all about Fractal Collections (often called KeyFrames). These collections can be used as is or they can be the foundation for fractal video animation.

Here is a quick tour of using the Stash to create a new file with a KeyFrame collection in it. We also introduce a new application file type (.fa) which can hold pre-rendered images, PDF Folios, or even Movies. Mac OS X supports all of these media types with Quicklook and the Finder.

Continue reading Quick Tour of Version 2.3 (Folio) New Features

2012 Macbook Pro models were released today – June 11, 2012

Just so you know, there are 2 new GPUs that have never been tested with Fractal Architect: Intel HD 4000 and Nvidia 650M in the new Macbook Pros. We don’t get any sneak peaks on upcoming hardware, so we have to wait for them to be released and become available just like anybody else.

Hopefully, Apple’s OpenCL drivers for those two new GPUs will allow Fractal Architect to run on them just fine. If you that is not true, please send an email to

One of the new Macbook Pro models has a Retina display. It seems to not be available yet, so we can’t test how the app looks on it.

One note concerning a Retina display is that it has 4 times as many pixels compared to a standard display. Rendering high resolution images targeting these new Retina displays will take 4 times longer too. (Rendering times are proportional to the number of pixels in the rendered image.)

Testing with a Retina iPad shows that its not necessary to render at a higher DPI. A standard resolution image still looks very good on a Retina display.

We will keep you posted once we have the opportunity to test the app on these new Macbook Pros.

Mac Lion 10.7.4

Apple just released Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 today, May 10, 2012.

The OpenCL compiler in 10.7.4 has changed resulting in the failure to render on ATI GPUs with the GPU accelerated OpenCL renderer in version 2.2.0 of Fractal Architect 2. (OpenCL CPU based rendering is unaffected.)

There is a bug fix release of Fractal Architect (version 2.2.1) that is still in Apple’s review queue. Hopefully it will be released on the Mac App store soon.





New features in Version 2.2 – Recharger

Flame Stash

Save your favorite random and variant fractals to the Stash. Makes it easy to cull the best fractals you find and collect them into one place. You can then create a new composite fractal with Stash contents.

Random fractal generation with Symmetry.

You can add Symmetry as a random fractal generation parameter and see how it affects your randomly generated fractals. Here the symmetry was set to 4.

Final Transform and Symmetry Variants
Here we are applying a random combination of Loonie and Handkerchielf variants to the Final Xform:
Here we are looking at random Symmetry variants:
Interrupt Long Renders and Save Render State
You can pause a long render to file which saves the rendering state. This lets you exit the app knowing that you can resume the render at any time.
Rendering state is saved to a new file type (.flrs file ending): i.e. RenderState.flrs
Add Additional Render Quality – Recharge Quality
If you have chosen to save the render state for an image render,
you can inspect the image, choose to add additional quality, and resume the render from its saved state. You can do this as many times as you like.
This incremental rendering capability is a huge time saver.
Post-Process Again
With saved render state, you can tweak the post processing and do it again very quickly. This allows you to make the very best possible image for your fractal.
Histogram Viewer
You can look at the histograms saved in the rendered state:
Finder Quicklook and Thumbnail support for RenderState files
Render State files show a rendering progress bar. See the bottom right thumbnail in the Finder image:
Rendered Image Window now has Size to Fit option
The rendered images can now be viewed at either Actual Size or Sizeed to Fit the viewable area on the display screen.
Bug Fixes
1) Preferences for Preview width and height is fixed.
2) ATI 4670 GPU now supported with OpenCL GPU renders (but not recommended).
3) ATI 4xxxx GPUs now use OpenCL CPU rendering for Finder thumbnail and Quicklook renders. (ATI 4xxxx GPUs render slower than the CPU !)
4) OpenCL Rendering using CPU now checks free memory and tiles as needed.
5) For App Sandboxing compatibility, you first choose the image type to render to before choosing the filename.

50% Off thru March 15, 2012

Fractal Architect 2 has been released. See Announcement and Release Notes for all its new features. Apple released it on the Mac App Store today.

Its a brand new product on the App Store and is not a free upgrade for customers that bought the original Fractal Architect on the App store. Since Apple does not yet support cross-grade pricing on Mac App Store apps, we are offering the product at a special reduced price through March 15, 2012.