Fractal Architect 5 is now Subscription free

Version 5.7.0 update is being reviewed by Apple and has the following major change.

Fractal Architect 5 no longer has a subscription option.

The app no longer allows you to purchase a subscription to unlock the GPU rendering and Animation Sequencer features.

 Previously purchased active subscriptions are still recognized and honored. Prior subscriptions will not automatically renew.

There are now 2 optional in-app purchase items (which never expire) :

1) GPU Rendering

2) Video Animation Sequencer

Loyalty Reward for Prior Long Term Subscribers

If you had previously purchased a FA 5 subscription and the subscribed periods’ total duration was greater or equal to 1 year (12 months), then the FA 5 app will unlock both the GPU Rendering and Video Animation Sequencer features.

Subscription periods, for which you had received a refund from Apple, will not be included in the duration count.

Fractal Architect X is still a Freemium app

FA X still offers the Silver and Gold subscriptions to access premium features. FA X does not offer a Loyalty Reward for long term subscribers.

The free FA X base app has limited features and imposes a maximum image size limit of 1024 x 768 pixel area.

FA X + Silver subscription is functionally equivalent to the Fractal Architect 5 app.

Fractal Architect X + Gold subscription is functionally equivalent to Fractal Architect 5 + GPU and Sequencer in-app purchases.

If you want to avoid a subscription, consider purchasing Fractal Architect 5.

One thought on “Fractal Architect 5 is now Subscription free”

  1. Is this a reaction to the GPU rendering and animation features of Fractorium, which have been available since some years?

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