Its time for a new release. This was released by Apple on December 12, 2012.
Changes for Version 2.4.0 (FireStorm)
Dedicated to the 360 families that lost their homes from the Waldo Canyon Fire June 2012
Retina Mac optional HiDPI rendering is now supported ========
On Macs with Retina display, you have the option of rendering at 2X HiDPI resolution for slightly better appearance. Note: rendering these HiDPI resolution windows takes 4X longer to render than at standard resolution.
Default is standard resolution (faster rendering for slightly worse image appearance). You can toggle between Standard and HiDPI (Retina) resolution at any point.
New 2X HiDPI rendering preference on Macs with Retina displays.
On Preview window, you can switch resolutions from Context menu (opened with right mouse button click) or by key shortcut: Cmd-2
When opening an image file on Mac with Retina display, images are displayed at same resolution as Preview app. You can switch the view to standard resolution, so it appears 2X larger.
Improvements ==========
- File Batch rendering dialog now has a popup menu that lets you select from popular video frame sizes.
- If Stash has unsaved thumbnails, the Stash is shown and you are asked if you want to save it. You can cancel the Quit there too.
- Rendering a tiny or very small image to a file does not open them when finished rendering (they still render just fine).
- CUDA 5.0 now supported (on Snow Leopard only).
- Log window and Stash now open minimized in the Dock.
- Parameter interpolation now compensates automatically for parameters that are naturally cyclic (like triangle rotation, etc.)
Improvements for Mountain Lion =========
- iCloud integration. Documents can be saved to and opened from iCloud.
- Popup notifications when rendering to file, rendering a file batch, or rendering a video finishes.
- Mountain Lion fractal document and image sharing is available.
This allows you to share documents or image files to:
- Multiple popular online social sites like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, You Tube, Vimeo
- Email or Messages
- Air Drop to other local Macs
BugFixes ========
- Preview window on Macs with Nvidia GPUs are more robust and don’t stop updating their view.
- Color Gradient editor bug fixes – hue rotation fixed
- Fixed Variant window closing when a manual thumbnail refresh is done.
- Fixed flipped Preview window image when using CUDA renderer (Snow Leopard only).