Just so you know, there are 2 new GPUs that have never been tested with Fractal Architect: Intel HD 4000 and Nvidia 650M in the new Macbook Pros. We don’t get any sneak peaks on upcoming hardware, so we have to wait for them to be released and become available just like anybody else.
Hopefully, Apple’s OpenCL drivers for those two new GPUs will allow Fractal Architect to run on them just fine. If you that is not true, please send an email to support@fractalarchitect.net.
One of the new Macbook Pro models has a Retina display. It seems to not be available yet, so we can’t test how the app looks on it.
One note concerning a Retina display is that it has 4 times as many pixels compared to a standard display. Rendering high resolution images targeting these new Retina displays will take 4 times longer too. (Rendering times are proportional to the number of pixels in the rendered image.)
Testing with a Retina iPad shows that its not necessary to render at a higher DPI. A standard resolution image still looks very good on a Retina display.
We will keep you posted once we have the opportunity to test the app on these new Macbook Pros.