Fractal Architect 5 Help Index
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A. Recently Opened panel
B. Gallery panel
C. Make New Panel
Tutorial: Creating Random Fractals Tutorial
First click on the thumbnail image to select it.
Press spacebar to open the quicklook view window. Press spacebar again to close it.
Or, right click on the thumbnail and select the view in Quicklook window.
Open the file in the Preview window
First click on the thumbnail image to select it.
Press Return key to open the file in the Preview window.
Or, double click on the thumbnail to open the fine in the Preview window.
Or, right click on the thumbnail and select the view in Preview window.
Preview window is the gateway to editing the fractal definition.
Drag & Drop
Dragging fractal to a Finder window (QuickSave): Click hold the mouse on the window’s image until a small thumbnail appears.
Drag this onto a finder window or Desktop to copy the flame fractal document to that location.
The random fractals’ files will all be conveniently named randomFlame_nnnn where nnnn is a unique number for that file’s folder.
Dragging a flame file on top of any thumbnail will cause the file to be opened in another Preview window.
Saving the fractal definition to a file
Click on the thumbnail image to select it. Next right click on the thumbnail and select the “Save Selected Frame’s Fractal” menu item.
Shows an included handful of better than average fractal images that are good starting points for making your own flame fractals. These are all editable.
These fractals are stored in the directory: ~/Library/Application Support/FractalArchitect/Gallery. Feel free to put your own excellent fractal creations there and remove the standard ones.
Shows the most recent opened flame files.
Fractal Architect 5 includes a new Lua scripting feature, which you can use to create new fractals from Lua scripts, change fractals created anywhere in the app, and use to make Fractal Variations in the Variants editor.
In a nutshell, you first select a main Lua script to use, then optionally select a Tweak script, to further modify the newly created fractals. Click the Roll Dice button to create the fractals.
See: Using Lua to create Fractals for much more about Lua scripting.
This panel allows you to see a fresh batch of random flame fractals and create other batches.
You can select one of the thumbnails and press the spacebar to see it expand into a Quicklook window.
You can select one of the thumbnails and press the Return key to open it in a Preview window ready for further editing.
New Blank Fractal
Create a starting point for creating a new fractal the hard way.
Random Generation Preferences
Open the Preferences window to the Random Flame generation parameters section.
Roll Dice
Create a new set of random fractals. Note: the last batch is not saved anywhere and is discarded.
A. Variation Sets
B. Variations Pool - Normal, Linked, Final Xform
C. Random Fractal Properties
D. Favorites
E. Cutoffs. Random Pools, Import/Export Favorites
Variation sets are a collection of variations and their formulas. A Variation set applies the pool of variations from which the Random fractal generator can draw variations from.
There is a max limit to the number of variations and variation parameters that a Variation set can hold.
There are 5 different variation pools used by the random fractal generator:
Every transform created by the generator has a normal variation group. Whether it has a pre variation group and/or post variation group is determined based on these two sliders:
To get fractals similar to earlier versions of Fractal Architect, set both these sliders to zero.
Click on one of the five buttons to choose the variation pool to work on.
Linked transforms is an advanced technique using Chaos linking between a normal transform and an additional link transform. The selected linked variations are used to create the Before or After linked transforms.
The optional Final transform is an optional advanced technique that can produce strong results (but not always effective results). The selected final form variations are used to create the Final transform.
Select the variations that can be used in the next random batch by clicking on the checkboxes. Selected variations are always put on the top of the variations list, so it is easier to find the selected variants.
For each desired variation, click on the Use check box next to it. You can adjust the maximum Weight for that variation by adjust its slider.
Note the Random Variations per Transform option may prevent a variation from actually being chosen by a new random fractal
Typically blur variations need very small weight values or they will overwhelm the fractal appearance.
Sets the Min / Max values for each variation property.
The Optional Tweak Script button lets you have a Lua script modify (tweak) any randomly created fractals.
See: Using Lua to create Fractals for much more about Lua scripting.
Pick a symmetry. Legal values are positive/negative integers. Values of 0 or 1 means no symmetry is applied.
The integer value represents the degree of symmetry.
Positive values are rotational symmetries. Negative values are rotational and reflective symmetries.
If the Variation set is not a 3D variation set, these parameters are ignored.
Favorites are a handy way to remember effective variation pool settings. It remembers the selection of variations and their weights. The fractal symmetry value is remembered as well.
When you create a new Favorite, click the + button. Edit its name, Rating, and Category. Enter a numeric Rating and the Stars field will show the correct rating.
To use a favorite just click on the Favorite in the table. The selected variations will switch to the remembered values for the favorite.
These are rendering statistics that heavily influence the visual quality of the created fractal. They can be used to filter the good fractals from the bad ones.
Use the Show Render Info checkbox to see these values for each produced fractal. Turn off the Filter checkbox to see the rejected fractals.
The Default button clears the selected variations and then selects the default Julia variation.
You can have the app randomly select the variations to use in the next random batch.
In practice, the random blends often dont create usable random fractals, but then again, you might end up with a very usable variation blend. The potential to get a garbage variant blend is high.
The Random Variation Pool Size determines the number random variants to select. The Roll Dice button does the random selection.
You can either select another variation set to become the current one or do other operations such as import/export, remove a variation set, and learn more about the properties of each variation set.
Variations types are classified as either normal, pre, or post variations.
Pre variations are guaranteed to be evaluated before normal variations, which in turn are guaranteed to be evaluated before post variations.
Note: Variations types are classified as either normal, pre, or post variations.
Pre variations are guaranteed to be evaluated before normal variations, which in turn are guaranteed to be evaluated before post variations.
Cloning a variation set makes a copy of another variation set and allows you to add other variations or remove variations from the cloned variation set.
You can choose to clone a variations set from another flame fractal application.
Pick an app from the popup menu’s list and click the Clone Well Known Variation Set button.
You can choose to clone another variation set.
Pick an app from the popup menu’s list and click the Clone Variation Set button.
This panel allows you set the random fractal generator options for the next random batch. The options are ordered below by how often you might want to tweak